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SELECTION FOR ONE NON TENURE- RACK, FIXED TERM POSITION OF ASSISTANT PROFESSOR in accordance with art. 24 paragraph 3, letter a) of Italian law 240/2010 - INSTITUTE OF LIFE SCIENCES

  • Call notice date 11.05.2018
  • Deadline for application submission 25.06.2018

The Sant'Anna School by Rectoral Decree no. 270 dated May, 11, 2018, whose notice has been gived on Gazzetta Ufficiale - Serie Concorsi ed Esami no. 43 dated 01/06/2018,  has opened a public selection for the recruitment of one assistant professor  (ricercatore a tempo determinato) with part time position, non tenure track temporary  contracts (3 years) pursuant to art. 24 paragraph 3 letter A of Italian Law no. 240/2010 in the Academic Recruitment Field 06/D2 “Endocrinology, Nephrology, Food and Wellness Science” - Academic Discipline Nephrology  MED/14 at the  Institute of Life Science

Deadline: by June 25, 2018, at 1 p.m. (Italian Time: GMT+2)

To apply please click here:

Procedura telematica     


The interviews will take place on July, 13, 2018  in the Meeting Room  in "Palazzo Toscanelli" Second floor in Via Santa Cecilia 3 Pisa. All  candidates have been admitted to the interview. The hour will be announced is on this  web page in the next days and communicated to the vandidates by e-mail.

The interwiew has been scheduled at 2 p.m.


The committee has been nominated by Rectoral Decree no  423 dated July 2018.


By Rectoral Decree no 469 dated 18/07/2018 have been approved the results of the selection and Dr. Ilaria Petrucci has been declared winner.


Thecommittee have hold the first meeting on July, 9, 2018.

For further information, please contact the Human Resources Department (Tel. +39-050-883.575/258, e-mail